Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Woman.... to be seen as beautiful: Improve your Personal Life in Awareness

Improve your personal life with self-awareness

To improve your self-awareness you first need to concentrate on your past and emotions.  How did you get where you are at now and how can you get to where you want to be in life. Pulling up the resources in your mind will help you become acquainted with self.

A person needs to know and trust him or herself before they can trust others. Don’t depend on the judgment of others, rather use your own judgment and it will make you feel like a new person. You should always stop and think, so that you learn how to trust you and know who you are. With the fast pace world we live in now you probably put many things aside and because you don’t have time. Take time for yourself and think about it before you do.

When looking back on you life look for the things that made you the way you are today.  Try working on a positive attitude in order to become completely yourself and get that self-awareness back.

Start doing things that make you happy and successful. Bring happiness to yourself and others, it will make you feel good and bring joy to your life. When you are happy you’ll have less stress as well.

Practice yoga and meditate to help you develop. Meditation takes a lot of practice so be patient when using yoga practices and do not expect results to happen over night.

Try to rediscover yourself by writing a journal. Write about how you feel, what you want in life; record it all, write the results as you progress. This will help you decide what is important and what isn’t.  Knowing what is important and what isn’t will bring out the value in you. Knowing your values in life are the key to self-awareness and your personal growth and happiness will bet better as each day goes by.

Set some goals and deadlines on when you want to have them accomplished. Take action right away allowing you to learn and be flexible. With an open mind study and learn from other people. Finding someone to support you in your goals and to listen when you need to talk about where you want to go will help make them easier.

You will have to change the way you have done in the past; you learn by mistakes and you don’t want them to happen again. You want new results and you can do that if you do the mistakes over again. 

You will grow as a person once you build your self-awareness. You will accept yourself and others you’ll become more self reliant and motivated. When your self-awareness grows you, will benefit more as a person and become more successful in whatever you want to do in your life.

Stay in control of your life; don’t let your life take over and control you. By understanding yourself and mind, you learn how to find yourself, know what has gone wrong, and fix it. Keeping your life in balance is very important to keep your self-awareness up where it needs to be in order to be happy and than you can add value to your life making you feel better.

Happy people are generous and giving. Give as much of yourself as you can and than push to give more. The more you give the better it will make you feel and you’ll be able to forget the rough and hard times. Since Christmas is here try, choosing a special gift, wrap it for a person who has nothing.

Try these out and see how your life change.



Saya masih teringat kata-kata seorang ustaz yang mengajar saya semasa di sekolah menengah. Kecantikan itu subjektif, bukan paras rupa menjadi ukuran walaupun mereka yang Allah berikan kecantikan fizikal sememangnya satu bonus. Namun tafsiran kecantikan itu sendiri berbeza-beza menurut pandangan masing-masing yang dipengaruhi oleh prinsip hidup, cara dibesarkan, pengalaman lalu, pegangan agama dan sociobudaya.

Di Nigeria, seseorang yang gemuk di anggap cantik. Ini kerana masyarakatnya berpendapat kedua ibu bapa mereka mempunyai kekayaan yang cukup untuk memberi makan anak-anak mereka. Perempuan yang gemuk mudah mendapat jodoh dan menjadi rebutan lelaki. Perempuan yang gemuk dianggap sihat dan dapat melahirkan anak yang ramai. Amat menarik bila masyarakat Nigeria beranggapan gemuk adalah cantik. Malah mereka mempunyai rumah khas di mana anak-anak perempuan mereka di hantar ke rumah penjagaan ini di bawah seliaan seorang penyelia untuk diberi pengetahuan tentang gemuk dan diberi makan supaya menjadi gemuk.

Berbeza pula isunya di Malaysia, masyarakat Malaysia menganggap gemuk itu hodoh dan terbukti dengan berbagai produk-produk pelangsinagn badan yang dipaparkan di papan-papan iklan seluruh negara, begitu juga majalah-majalah tempatan. banyak lagi negara yang mempunyai persepsi yang serupa dengan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa ini. Apakah mungkin isu kegemukan ini telah menimbulakan lebih banyak isu psikologi seperti masalah pemakanan atau "eating disorder"? memuntahkan kembali makanan yang telah dimakan atau induce vomiting adalah masalah ynag biasa di kalangan remaja.

Apa yang penting kehidupan mestilah seimbang dengan aktiviti fizikal. Badan yang sihat perlu untuk meneruskan kehidupan yang semakin mencabar.